Ecclesiastes 8:4 says, “Where the king’s word is, there is power.” We have a king and his name is Jesus. The question is, where is his word in our lives? Is it on the bookshelf gathering dust or is it in our hearts and flowing from our mouths? If His Word is on the bookshelf gathering dust, then its power is not at work with us.

For the King’s word to work as powerfully as it does, it must be in our hearts and out of our mouths. We must believe that the Word is true in spite of what we see or feel. We must remember that we have been translated from the kingdom of darkness and placed into the kingdom of the precious Son of God Jesus, the Son of His love where all things work together for our good.

God has exalted his word above his name, and he watches to perform it. Therefore, when He hears His word come from our mouths, He is bound to perform it. As for us, we must stick to what we say until results are seen.

As born again believers, we are in Christ. King and as he is, so are we in the world. Many Christians believe they are in Christ, but they do not experience good results in their lives. The most likely reason is; They expect the Lord to do everything for them. They don’t pray by his word and that’s a huge mistake, they don’t use the power they have in the name of Jesus, they don’t plead with the blood of Jesus. Blood is vital in answered prayers. It is a vital weapon in the arsenal that God has given us to resist Satan.

It is okay for us to speak our words to the Lord, but what we say must be in line with what He said in His Word, then the power of the King’s word will appear in our lives. Jesus said in Mark 11:23-24 “For I say to you most assuredly, everyone who says to this mountain, ‘Go and go into the sea’ and has no doubt in his heart, but believes that these things he says will be done, he will have something to say. So I tell you, whatever you ask, when you pray you believe that you receive them, and you will have them.” So we can see from the Bible what we need to say. We have been given the authority in the name of Jesus to decide a matter, and it shall be done. It is not God’s will that we cry out to Him and beg Him for anything but unfortunately, that is what many of us do. Begging God is a sign of a Christian’s weakness, and this is not His will for us. He wants us to be strong and confident in Him. To be strong in Him, we must be filled with His Word.

There is power in the king’s word to produce, but it requires our right to believe and our right speech. God will not change His Word to accommodate our lack of knowledge; He can’t do that no matter how much we ask him to.

We have discount steals. He will take God’s answer to our prayers and put them in his dark kingdom, but we have the king’s word on that; Jesus said in Luke 19:10, “Behold, I give you power to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will harm you in any way.” We can use this power to command Satan to recover, and when the blood of Jesus is applied to him, he will flee. It does not stand in the presence of blood, does not penetrate it, does not transcend it. He hates blood because there is life in it. God’s life.

There is absolute power in the king’s word that no enemy can withstand, and his word will not be invalidated.

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