One of the main differences between negotiators is how confident they feel and when
negotiation. Usually, the more confident we feel, and the better prepared we are,
The outcome of our negotiation will be more successful.

Personal power comes from many sources. To build and increase our confidence
As negotiators, we need to step back and analyze our personal strengths
And compare it with the people with whom we are negotiating.

The force is not absolute. The balance of power shifts in most negotiating relationships
Over time as negotiations progress.

Here are some examples of energy sources:

Information power:

The power of information comes from having the knowledge that will influence an outcome
negotiation. Planning and research can increase our informational power, as can
Ask the right questions before we get to the negotiation stage.

Bonus power:

Reward power comes from the ability to reward the other side of the game
negotiate. It can be the power to be given by the buyer to order the goods and
The services or authority that the salesperson must provide to provide good service and solve problems

Coercive force:

Coercive power is the power to punish. This is most common in Jupiter-
Vendor relationship, but can be a feature of other types of negotiation.

Attitude strength:

Attitude strength is the strength that comes from being in the right place on the right
time. A customer is in dire need of placing an order and you are their only source
supply in the short term. Having an effective network and staying connected
What happens can increase the strength of your situation.

Experience strength:

The power of experience comes from having a specific skill that you can apply and which one
It can affect the outcome of negotiations. Helps you improve negotiation skills
Win better deals. Other areas of expertise can also help with an outcome

And finally – the authority of the reference:

Referral power comes from consistency over time. If people see that you have a clear and consistent strategy as a negotiator, you will increase your authority of reference.
Having standards you stick to and being consistent will help you raise your bar
reference power. In the 1980s, Margaret Thatcher was not world famous, however
She was respected by many for being consistent in her opinions and behavior. in the end
She failed because her approach was too strict and she was unable to adapt to it
changing circumstances.

Copyright © 2007 Jonathan Farrington. All rights reserved

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